I found that in countries effected by tsunamis they contain warning signs to direct people to a destination where they should be safe.
As can be seen here the warning signs provide a simple but easily understandable image. Other ways people are warned about an incoming tsunami is a siren that is sounded, similar to the ones used during the war to warn people of a air raid. Not only this but people drive around in cars telling people to find high ground.
These are other examples of signs that are used, again they provide a simple explanation of what to do, with the signs below providing directions of which direction to go in.

These are images of the modern way that a tsunami is detected, they are set off by a earthquake which then sets off a warning and the water level is measured and if necessary a second waring is issued.
After looking at the brief i decided that producing a publication was the best way, as i could then create something like a public awareness leaflet of some kind that would warn people of the signs of a tsunami and what to do in that situation.
So i then looked into different leaflet designs that i though might be interesting.
These are simple designs for business cards, they provide a simple graphic that provides information, the small information provided is what id like to try and translate onto my cards that come in the pack to help people in the situation of a earthquake or tsunami.
This again is a simple design, they have used very simple vectors and brown stock, it is however very effective.
This is the sort of survival pack that i could produce for the effected people in a tsunami area. It could contain the cards i intend to make and the packaging that comes with them.
These are just other examples of how a package could be opened and closed, also shown below, they are very inventive, but simple way of having something pop out the middle. The colours are also very muted but give an elegant sophisticated look, its not something id like to apply to my work but the way its packaged i could maybe use.
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