Sunday 10 November 2013

Peer feedback

We had a crit today on ether our print or web projects, we brought in what we thought was the one we wanted our feedback on, so we brought in all our work to present to the group plus a tutor. 


A good concept plus a strong idea.

Like the idea of having something that is more interactive, gets people involved with the printing process.  

Strong range of ideas

Areas for Improvement

Start gathering more research

Start making visuals to look at 


How? Where? Why? 

Info on the actual print room

Maybe taylor to the college 

look at few other processes 

What type of stock, info on stock 

Look into size of paper

Action Plan

Look into paper sizes and stock, so i can get an idea of what size i want the booklets to be and what stock will work best with each process 

Think about what i am going to focus my print books on, on the college or not. It will help to narrow down what i am going to do. 

Do a few more processes, so i can get a better understanding of them and how long they take, and what could or might go wrong. 

Think about how, where and why the books will be used. Will give me a better understanding of the target audience and what needs to go in the books.

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