Thursday 27 February 2014

Champneys Progress Crit

Today we had a progress crit on our Champneys brief

Me and Ant took in what we had been doing and the research we had been doing. We presented our work and told them what we planned on doing. So we said we were going to aim our brief at the parents because it was completely unrealistic to think students would spend that much money on these spa days. 

After presenting what we had we then took over one of the pairs on our tables brief, and taking it on from where they were and saying what we would then go about doing with it. 

The feedback we were given 

Comment on the brief effectiveness of the concept. Does it address the problems identified in the brief? 

Weaknesses: Target audience has to be 16 to 25 year olds so aiming it at parents wouldn't fit the brief
Strength: Breadth of ideas for print and web solutions

Weakness: Lacking strong design concept and direction

Suggestions: Aim at the specified target audience by looking at promoting the cheaper products and vouchers

Comment on the design direction and decisions made regarding the production and distribution of the response

Look at the products they sell in boots eg scrubs washes, butters, and souffles, oils, spritz and gels, bath hand feet. 


Produce an advertising and promotional campaign, which creates a juxtaposition between alcoholic cocktails and their products


energising lime: Gin Ricky 
Watermint: Mojito 
Citrus Blush: Balitmore Bang 
Exotic Treat: Long island ice tea 
Distant shores: Sex on the beach 

Slogan: 'discover your inner calm and outer beauty, and take home the Champneys spa feeling today' 

If money and time were no object how far would you go with the brief based on what has been presented

Create an advertising campaign for each of the products and possibly their products for men line

Photoshoot of cocktails and product, super high quality images 

This concept could then be applied to publications promotional material, booklets, publications, billboards, adverts in magezines for 16 to 25 year olds
Design an app for the campaign 

After this crit me and Ant thought that this was a strong idea and that we might use it in some way, i personally thought that going down the root of the healthy and well being aspect was still key because they mentioned it so much in the brief was still the best way to go but this idea could also be used along side this.

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