Friday 9 January 2015

CoP3 Why i have chosen my practical idea RATIONALE

The reasoning behind my idea (RATIONALE) 

KEY: Text in italic and orange shows the points of how the synthesis is formed with my essay. 

The essay is as much as it is about packaging as it is about processes, methods and ways of creating awareness for sustainable design this is why the website and mail out publications have been created.   

Practical Part 1

My idea is to have different publications for different areas of sustainable Graphic Design that would then help a graphic designer by showing them process and methods to be sustainable, it would be something that could be sent out to different studios, this would then cater to packaging, because being sustainable crosses over from packaging work and non packaging work, and packaging is something which will be done within most studios. There is obviously studios who focus solely on packaging, but with that they will need a brand on the packaging they will need to print something they will need to distribute something etc etc so i don't think having a practical that is packaging is that good an idea or even necessary for it to relate to my essay, it is just an easy option, also i feel i can cover more of my essay and the topics that are brought up more throughly in publications that i am proposing. Especially as my essay is not just about packaging but everything that encompasses it and the processes and methods that lead up to a piece of packaging or any design for that matter and ways in which awareness can help sustainable design. I feel this can't all be achieved by a piece of packaging, for example trying to create awareness for sustainable design can be achieved through packaging but there will be much more of an impact and much more of a message can be achieved through a publication, which put simply more information can be put into a publication and website.  The publications would also be something which could actually be used and would actually be useful for designers. And creating something that is useful and spreads the message of being sustainable creates a strong synergy with what i wrote about in my dissertation in relation to Jonathan Chapman. 

Practical Part 2

For the second part of my practical i am going to propose a website that is an area where graphic designers can collaborate and talk about different sustainable methods, this collaboration is how they can spread the awareness of different methods and process and help new more innovative methods come to the forefront. Anyone who comes to the website will also be educated on sustainable design. This website offers somewhere solely for designers and people interested in sustainability and has an emphasis on collaboration, something talked about in the essay a lot by Celery Design and Jonathan Chapman. It is clear to to see from the essay that a lot of sustainable designers put an importance on collaboration and this would offer them that, collaboration. It also is a place to spread awareness through showing ways in which a designer can be sustainable, showcasing methods talked about in my essay, such as up cycling and designing backwards. 

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